Home Guide How to Boost the Worth of Your House Without Spending Money

How to Boost the Worth of Your House Without Spending Money

by TechGadgetsz

When most people are trying to sell a home, they need the money and don’t have much extra money to spare, dressing it up.  Instead of dumping a lot of money into your property, here are some steps you can take to up the perceived value of your home for free.

Just be warned, if you want to save money, you’re going to have to put in a lot of work.

Scrub From Top To Bottom

A clean house always gets viewed better than one with a thin film of dirt or dust.  Take your time deep cleaning every inch of your property that can use a good cleaning.  Toothpaste or baking soda can help clean grout, and you can use vinegar and dish soap to get stains out of most surfaces besides that.  Make sure your windows are sparkling clean and that even your front door is free of pollen or debris.

Although it can take some time, it’s worth it.  Instead of seeing grime, potential buyers will be lead to believe the home gets well cared for- and they’ll be able to start picturing their things in it.  Don’t leave anything untended, this would give the buyers something negative to focus on, and that’s the last thing you need.

Put Some Elbow Grease In

Although cleaning can also fit this tip, I’m referring more to yard work.  Weed thoroughly, work on your flower beds, your gardens, and anything else that needs it.  If you’ve kept a burn pile in your backyard, now is the time to either burn it or get it hauled elsewhere.  Don’t just mow your lawn, manicure it by cutting away any that’s overgrown sidewalks or driveways.

If there are any repairs on, or in, your home that are needed- go through and do them yourself.  Changes as small as repairing a flickering light, or a creaky floorboard, can add to the perceived value of your home.

Although it can be back-breakingly hard work to do all of this, it’ll be worth it when it ups your property value.  You’re selling people an idea, a hopeful future, not just a house.

Use What You Have

Instead of sitting there and asking, “What is my house worth?” consider thinking about what you can make it worth.  Use your best furniture, or borrow some from a friend with good design taste, and dress up your home so that it looks like a magazine.  Pay close attention to layout, traffic flow, and walking patterns, and make your home a work of art.

Avoid cluttering, or stockpiling, anything.  If you have a lot of things that you want to keep, either move them to a new place or ask a friend if you can keep them in their garage.  Clutter makes every space look smaller and can plummet the value of a property.  A cluttered home feels less taken care of, more neglected, so make sure you don’t give customers the chance to get that impression.

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